Research Sites


The HIV Pathogenesis Programme has three main clinic sites from which we recruit study participants. These are located at Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital, Ithembalabantu Clinic and Ithala Mall, all of which are located in Umlazi. In addition, we also recruit from several satellite clinics situated in the greater surroundings from our two main sites. All study participants are offered free medical consultations, support and care from a highly experienced team of doctors, nurses and counsellors.


  • Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital


    The HPP clinic at Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital (PMMH) is located in a park home on the grounds of the hospital. PMMH is a regional hospital situated in the Umlazi township, south of Durban. The hospital is an important centre for HIV treatment and management. The HPP clinic recruits from PMMH and several community satellite clinics. Our study site provides the services of two experienced research nurses and four counsellors.

  • AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Ithembalabantu Clinic


    Ithembalabantu (Zulu for ‘peoples hope’) is a state-of-the-art clinic location in Umlazi, Durban and is managed by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) - the largest AIDS group in the US which currently provides medical care and services to more than 98,000 individuals in 21 countries worldwide. The clinic was established in 2001 with the aim of showing that provision of comprehensive treatment and care, including ART, in resource-constrained settings is feasible and effective to people with advanced stage of HIV infection. Currently over 7,000 adult and paediatric patients receive medical care at Ithembalabantu, many of whom also receive free lifesaving anti-retroviral treatment via the facility. Our study site provides the services of an experienced research nurse and a counsellor.

  • Ithala Mall


    Shop 9/10 in Umlazi’s Ithala Mall is the clinic site for the HPP’s FRESH study (refer to ‘Cohorts’ for more information).

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